Shows DATES: Friday, May 30 - 7:00pm and Saturday, May 31, 11:30am & 2:30pm & 7:00pm
We are excited to announce a new performance opportunity available to all Heather Wayne Performing Arts Students. This is an opportunity for students of all ages and proficiencies to perform on the stage together. This is an optional performance opportunity and will include a commemorative opening number costume, choreography, rehearsals, and a link to the opening Celebration video and performances in all four recital shows.
A two show performance opportunity is available.
Cost is: $125.00 per dancer (sibling discount of $20.00 for multiple family member)
Please complete the attached Google Form expressing interest in your student’s participation in the 2023 Recital Show Opening Celebration!
Choreography and rehearsal practices for the opening and
closing Production Dances will be:
- Tuesday April 29th - 7:30 -9:00pm( company members only- older kids making plans
- Saturday May 10th - 9:00am - 11:00am
- Saturday May 17th - 9:00pm - 11:00am
- Saturday May 20th - 7:30pm - 9:30pm ( older kids only)
- Next Dress Rehearsal at The Venue: May 29th, Thursday - 4:30pm - Dress Rehearsal at The Venue.
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal at the Venue:
Wednesday, May 28th, 6:00pm and Thursday, May 29th 4:30pm
Requirements for Opening # Participation:
- Fill out google form and make payment of $125.00
- Attend Opening Number Rehearsals listed above.
- Dress Rehearsal May 27th & May 29th are Mandatory Dress Rehearsals for everyone who will participate in OPening #DRESS REHEARSAL- May 27th & 28th ARE MANDATORY! Must let us know if you are doing 2 shows before choreography begins.
- Attend Dress Rehearsal on Wednesday May 27th & Thursday May 28th @ The Venue