FAB After School » Heather Wayne's Performing Arts

F.A.B. After School

What is F.A.B. After School?

Heather Wayne's Performing Arts serves its' community by offering the very best Fine Arts After School Care Program for Elementary age children. This one of a kind program known as the Fine Arts Bus Kids (F.A.B. Kids) is designed to provide each child with the tools they need to succeed in their education. Students enrolled in F.A.B. receive loving care along with daily activities in Dance, Tumbling, Creative Play and Crafts in addition to designated homework time.

Lacey Stephens is the F.A.B. After School Director and Amy Callaham is the counselor.

Pickup Schools

  • Chestnut mountain school of creative inquiry
  • Duncan creek elementary school
  • Spout springs school of enrichment
  • and Friendship Elm.

Tuition Fees

The tuition fee is $75.00 per week and if pay in full on the 8th of the month, the discounted rate is $285.00 per month including 1 formal dance class. 

F.A.B. After School Director - Lacey Stephens

Click here to Read More About Her

Dance 62

Daily Schedule

Homework Time
Includes 20 min of silent reading and homework assistance

Daily Snack
Students can bring their own snack or purchase one from the Heather Wayne Performing Arts Vending Machine.

Daily Activity
Dance Activity, Creative Dramatics and Art classes.

Outside Play Time
Students will receive daily supervised outdoor activity (weather permitting)

Please note that all F.A.B. students must be picked up by 6:30pm. If your child is absent, contact Lacey Stephens directly at her provided phone by text or call.

Ready to Enroll?
Enroll in F.A.B. After School Today!

Commonly asked F.A.B. Kids questions/answers…

F.A.B Kids operates on regular school days, from the time school is out until 6:30pm. We also accommodate early release days and inclement weather days.

Don't Forget!
REMEMBER: If your F.A.B. kid is going to be absent, contact Lacey Stephens directly at her provided phone by text or call by 12:00pm to avoid a $10.00 trip charge.
**Reminder: If you are checking your child out from inside the building, you must present the pick-up tag provided. Anyone attempting to pick up a child without a pick-up tag must present I.D. to the front desk. Further, that person must be authorized to pick up the child via the
Check Out Procedure: Parent/Legal Guardian must sign student(s) out at the front desk before signing out with F.A.B. counselor. All new/non-authorized pick up must present I.D. and/or Call Tag.
Emergency Contact/Authorized Pick-Up release form: NO Child will be released to any individual not pre-authorized by parents/legal guardians. We are very excited to share this experience with you. If you have any question or concerns, please contact Lacey Stephens directly at her provided phone by text or call.
We look forward to working with you!